Last night I met... Paul Stamets!!! I got a free ticket to his talk from my work but I've been a fan of him from about five years. The pic above is right after I gave him my first ever oil painting. I did a Turkey Tail Mushroom because it's my favorite looking mushroom, it's got amazing healing properties, and it saved Paul's mom from breast cancer. If you know anyone with cancer or low immune system problems have them look into organic mushroom supplements right away! Preferably Host Defense brand, Paul Stamet's company :), at most natural grocery stores.
If you don't know who Paul Stamets is watch Paul Stamets 6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World
right way! It changed my point of view of how important fungi are and how important it is we protect the diversity of mushroom species we have left, particularly the old growth forests. If you still wanna hear more after watching the TED talk video and you can't decide if you want to get his book Mycelium Running, which everyone should read in my opinion (*>.<), then check out this video if you have the time:
This is a lot like what his talk was last night besides a few added tidbits of new information (*^.^) He even had his Amadou hat on! I'm such a nerd... I was jumping up and down all day yesterday and even cried a little during a special part of his talk... ya so nerdy lol. I deeply hope that this information can spread as quickly as possible and be put into practice to save the health of our planet, our bodies, and the future of our descendants. I invite you all to join me in this Mycological Revolution that has real potential to change our world for the better!
Mandy Spring, aspiring Mycologist
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